Biosolids SPOTLIGHT: A focus on the people of biosolids who work in our region

January 2024 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight 

Provided to MABA members by Bill Toffey, Effluential Synergies, LLC 


Restoring the Solids Flow in Baltimore


“Solids are flowing as they should, at both plants.”  This is a recent assessment of one contractor working for the Baltimore Department of Public Works at both Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant and Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Aging infrastructure, retiring public operators, and COVID had contributed to a crisis in solids flows, resulting  in such headlines in mid-2022 as “New report outlines failures across 'nearly every level' of Back River Wastewater Plant.” Two years of focused effort by agencies, environmental consultants, and contractors, under watchful eyes of environmental groups and the media, have made good things happen for biosolids in Baltimore, and so the solids are flowing. 

The journey from “failures” to “flows” has been a great challenge for Baltimore, and Patapsco WWTP is a case example.  Daily solids production had stopped completely in 2021. Lack of dewatering and drying operations caused Patapsco to become overwhelmed with solids, and plant effluent water quality was severely impacted. Under an emergency authorization, Baltimore contracted with the firm Hazen and Sawyer (Hazen) to provide daily on-site operational support, technical process control support, plant modeling, and other operations related tasks. Together with subcontractor Williams Environmental Services, Hazen assigned a small team of certified operators and engineers to get to work.

An aerial view of the Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant

An aerial view of the Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant


Restoring the sludge dryer (aSwiss-Combi direct drum dryer) was top priority. The dryer owner, Synagro, devised and permitted a temporary solids disposal outlet. Hazen and the City addressed issues of feed sludge quality and transfer. Solids production resumed with an agreement between Synagro and the City on a temporary processing plan.  With implementation, the solids backlog eased. Hazen conducted a “root cause investigation,” leading to changes in sludge storage ahead of dewatering and drying. The recommended changes were successful, and Synagro was able to move away from the temporary plan. Dryers were fired back up in April 2023. Clearing out the excess solids inventory, maintaining daily solids production goals, and a renewed focus on communication and transparency between the City and Synagro have paid huge dividends.  Patapsco WWTP was NPDES permit compliant for 2023, and all parties -- employees, consultants, and contractors, can be proud of Baltimore’s accomplishments.

Swiss Combi direct dryer drums at Patapsco

 Swiss Combi direct dryer drums at Patapsco


Baltimore DPW is a new member of the Mid Atlantic Biosolids Association, and Mahmudal Hasan, Ph.D., one of the agency’s new senior managers, has just begun his service on MABA’s Board of Trustees. But Baltimore’s leadership among the region’s biosolids programs is not new.  Its iconic egg-shaped digesters at the Back River plant were among the earliest such installations in the country. Its adoption of public-private partnerships for production of Class A EQ biosolids products was also groundbreaking among large municipally owned utilities. Long term contracts in the early 1990s resulted in composting and pelletizing facilities, cutting edge at the time, and still in operation today.

The Egg Shaped Digesters at Back River WTPThe Egg Shaped Digesters at Back River WTP

Even as the imminent crises of 2021 to 2023 have subsided, significant projects are moving forward at the opening of 2024 to continue the solids handling improvements.  Very significant is the major repair and upgrade of anaerobic digestion at the Back River plant.  In addition to the visible egg digesters, solids are processed through in-ground pancake style anaerobic digesters, in an acid-gas sequence configuration, and the system has “wide spot” storage tanks to balance flows and for short term dewatered solids storage. These digesters and tanks are being cleaned and repaired, and pumps and gas collection systems replaced.  Solids feed to digesters will be upgraded with new sludge thickeners. The cost of this large digester upgrade program is pegged at nearly $90 million.

DPW has elected, as well, to keep in place its contractor-operated Class A EQ production capabilities.  Veolia Water North America operates the Baltimore City Composting Facility, a hybrid system using an enclosed tunnel reactor and aerated curing piles. It receives approximately 35,000 tons of biosolids cake from Back River annually from which it produces about 50,000 cubic yards of OrGro biosolids compost.  A stable commercial market for this compost has been developed by Veolia over the past three decades.

Veolia’s Baltimore City Composting Facility

Veolia’s Baltimore City Composting Facility


MABA member Synagro, the owner of the Patapsco dryer described above, is also owner and operator of the dryer at Baltimore’s Back River WWTP.  Originally selected and installed over 30 years ago, Synagro has managed to continue operating these unique, one-of-a-kind systems, in bundled full-service contracts that include dewatering, drying and marketing under the brand name Granulite. The Back River dryer, a Pelletech vertical multiple pan hot air dryer, is being repaired by Synagro, after an explosion in March 2023 put it out of service, but through it all Synagro has maintained drying and biosolids disposal services to the city. Feedstock to the Patapsco dryer is unstabilized sludge, a factor which contributes to vulnerabilities in operations, odor risks and product marketing, and a factor that will be addressed in future capital investments is solids processing. 

Pelletech dryer at Back River
Pelletech dryer at Back River

Improved operations at both Back River and Patapsco have restored treatment levels and solids flows to levels of regulatory compliance.  DPW has rebuilt its workforce capabilities, with appointments of Dr. Hasan, biosolids manager and now Chief Technology Officer, and Mike Hallmen, manager of wastewater facilities, as examples of strong staffing.  For the difficult period over the past two years, the state government had called upon Maryland Environmental Services  along with Hazen, to assist DPW in expediting repair activity. Going forward, Jacobs, an engineering firm operating the Wilmington WRRF, has been contracted by Baltimore to handle solids treatment operations at Back River over the near term.  A long-range master plan is under consideration, with a scope of capital reinvestment in solids handling of about $400 million, envisioned largely through public-private partnerships.  An overarching initiative is a proposal to create a Baltimore Regional Water Authority, which would put drinking water and wastewater treatment for the entire County and some adjacent governments under one organizational and financial management umbrella.  

Just as it is true that it “takes a community to raise a child,” it takes a community of professionals with varied skills to manage biosolids, and Baltimore is one of the very strong examples. 

For more information, contact Mary Firestone at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.

July 2023 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight

featuring Village of Endicott


Join us for a tour of the Village of Endicott plant Thursday, July 20 at the 2023 Summer Symposium!
For more information, contact Mary Firestone at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.



Working Forward in Biosolids Management
From In-Vessel to Windrows to a Dryer at the Endicott WPCP


For almost 40 years the Village of Endicott Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) located in the Southern Tier of NYS has recycled biosolids. The WPCP has a 10 MGD design flow and serves about 50,000 people from the V. Endicott, T. Union and T. Vestal. The recycling of biosolids began in 1984 with a Taulman-Weiss In-Vessel system and shifted to the traditional windrow method in 2004 due to mechanical issues with the In-Vessel system. In an effort to reduce process time and costs while also continuing to recycle and produce Class A material, the WPCP added a Thermal Dryer.

The thermal dryer reduces costs and time in the production of Class A material.

The thermal dryer reduces costs and time in the production of Class A material.


“The dryer allows the facility to eliminate the need for a carbon source,” said Philip Grayson, chief operator at Endicott, “Which is a significant cost in our compost operations.”'

In addition, the Village had employed a full-time compost operator. Upon that employee’s retirement the position was eliminated through attrition, another significant cost savings benefit. Furthermore, the dryer process produces a Class A material in less than an hour versus the weeks and months needed for windrow composting.

 Endicott Belt Press Operation with dryer behind it

 Endicott Belt Press Operation with dryer behind it


The Endicott WPCP is continuing to work with NYSDEC for the dried product to be an approved Class A material. The Village is exploring the traditional Thermal Drying Class A parameters, such as more than 90 percent solids requirement versus 75 percent solids if all material is stabilized municipal sludge. The Village recognizes time, energy and cost savings if a Class A product can be achieved at less than 90 percent solids.

The Endicott WPCP is completing a Solids Handling Upgrade project that includes new anaerobic digestion membrane covers, mixing system, gas train, flare, septic receiving station, process water system and a thermal biosolids dryer.

Another view of Endicott dryer with Belt PressAnother view of Endicott dryer with Belt Press

The new equipment provides for increased reliability and access to repair and replacement parts. Grayson explained that the digester is performing better due to increased mixing, the gas train’s new safety devices and flare relocation bring the building into current building codes, the septic receiving station allows for the material to travel to one of two locations for treatment, a new process water pump and distribution lines, and the thermal dryer was the final piece to the Solids Handling Upgrade providing for a new way to treat and produce a beneficial product. 


Endicott Plant drone image

Endicott Plant drone image


“The upgrades give our system more flexibility, safety and reliability,” said Grayson, “This is achieved through providing options and redundancy within the system. There is now more than one path for our septic material (headworks or digester), multiple water sources on-campus (potable and non-potable) water and more than one way to achieve Class A material (windrow and thermal dryer). These upgrades together increase our ability to operate and achieve recyclable water and biosolids.”

For additional information, contact Philip Grayson, Chief Operator, Wastewater, Village of Endicott at [email protected].

Join us for a tour of the Village of Endicott plant on Thursday, July 20 at the MABA 2023 Summer Symposium!
For more information, contact Mary Firestone at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.



May 2023 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight

featuring Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC)

Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission moves forward

with Biosolids Management Master Plan


The Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC), established in 1902, began operation of the Newark Bay Treatment Plant in 1924 as a means to alleviate pollution in the Passaic River and its tributaries. Major expansions, upgrades and renovations throughout the twentieth century have made the PVSC one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in the United States.

Since 1902, the PVSC has expanded its mission to enhance the viability, and environmental health and security of the 1.5 million residents in the 48 municipalities of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Union and Passaic Counties of the Passaic Valley Service District. PVSC operates and maintains the infrastructure of a region that includes the Newark Bay Treatment Plant and its 22-mile interceptor sewer line to enable the processing of over 300 Million gallons of wastewater every day.


pvsc pic


And now PVSC moves forward into a second century of service to its ratepayers with an aggressive plan to control costs and identify alternative funding sources for necessary infrastructure maintenance, automation, and upgrades, while providing innovative, environmentally sound and cost effective wastewater treatment.

The scope of work consists of development of a Biosolids Management Master Plan for PVSC that guides future upgrades to meet potential regulatory drivers and needs of the Utility for the next 10-20 years.   The project was awarded to Arcadis, CDM Smith and HDR in April 2022.

The sludge management program at PVSC consists of thickening, thermal sludge conditioning (Zimpro), dewatering, and off-site disposal of the dewatered solids. Zimpro’s wet air oxidation process consists of an aqueous phase oxidation of organic materials that is accomplished at elevated temperatures and pressures.

“The wet-air oxidation process (Zimpro) went into operation in the early 80’s,” says Patricia Lopes, Director Of Process Control Engineering and Regulatory Compliance for PVSC, “We must be the only operating Zimpro treatment in United States for municipal sludge biosolids management  – particularly at this size. And with an estimated 25 year life, and ours being over 40 years old, we were looking for new options.”

Lopes explains that among the main reasons for the Biosolids Master Management Plan (BMMP) was the aging equipment, which although it requires high energy and trained and qualified maintenance personnel, it remains very resilient.  PVSC’s operational, maintenance and in-house fabrication capabilities have played a large part in the longevity of the Wet-Air Oxidation process equipment. 

Lopes shares that the current treatment process is a very forgiving one, and allows PVSC to continue their liquid waste program while generating a Class A biosolids; 50-55% total solids product, with very little use of chemicals.  In the end, Lopes says the new regulations, energy costs and the age of the equipment truly drove the interest in replacement or upgrades to the system.




Regulatory permit requirements will guide the Biosolids Management Master Plan, which Lopes says is currently in a conceptual design phase. Lopes says the project work is being shared with both Arcadis, CDM Smith and HDR to afford a more holistic approach to the necessary design and work needed for PVSC.

Lopes estimates that the project development will be completed within the next year or so, and PVSC expects that Arcadis, CDM Smith and HDR will be recommending several technologies at that time. Lopes expects that the project may take approximately 10-15 years to complete, and she emphasizes the importance of the project and PVSC’s work for the region.

“We receive about 300 trucks daily - plus 48 municipalities and barges from Bergen County Utilities Authority and  New York City,” says Lopes, “The impact during Hurricane Sandy further amplified that issues at the Passaic Valley Sewerage Treatment plant become regional and statewide issues. What we’re doing is not just for us, but rather an impact that can be felt statewide.”

For additional information, contact Patricia Lopes, Director Of Process Control Engineering and Regulatory Compliance, at [email protected]


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