Biosolids SPOTLIGHT: A focus on the people of biosolids who work in our region

February 2023 - MABA Biosolids Advocacy Spotlight

NJ Clean Water HearingNew Jersey

New Jersey Clean Water Council public hearing “Addressing PFAS Compounds in Residuals” - January 19, 2023

In January 2021, the Clean Water Council held a public hearing entitled “Permitting of PFAS Compounds in NJPDES Discharges to Surface Water”. Since this hearing, the Department has required all industrial dischargers to surface water and significant indirect users (“SIU”) to complete a “PFAS Source Evaluation and Reduction Requirements Survey''. Further, industrial dischargers permitted by the Department have been required to sample wastewater for the presence of PFAS. Survey responses and results of the data received to-date can be found at

To further advance the Department’s mission to protect our waters from PFAS, the Clean Water Council solicited public testimony focused on how to address the presence of PFAS in residuals and its potential impact on management alternatives.

MABA’s Executive Director, Mary Firestone, provided oral testimony during the hearing, and MABA provided written testimony as well.  This information, as well as the presentations, full video, and other written testimony submissions can be viewed by visiting: 

LBFC Meeting


Pennsylvania General Permits & PA House Resolution 2021-149 (HR 149) - MABA meets with the Pennsylvania Legislative Budget & Finance Committee 

In January, MABA was contacted by the Pennsylvania Legislative Budget & Finance Committee (LBFC) regarding PA House Resolution 2021-149 (HR 149) which was assigned to them to conduct a study of PA DEP’s proposed revisions to General Permits PAG-07, PAG-08, and PAG-09 related to permitting and management of biosolids.  Through their research MABA was identified as an organization that would be valuable in discussing the background of biosolids in Pennsylvania, and more specifically, DEP’s proposed changes.

MABA’s Regulatory/Legislative Committee and leadership met with the LBFC in early February, and provided them with a presentation underscoring the historic and invaluable relationship and tradition of biosolids beneficial reuse in Pennsylvania, as well as the potential economic and environmental impacts of the proposed general permit revisions.  MABA provided the LBFC with clear documentation and references, and provided answers to their questions related to their objectives within the resolution.  Additionally, MABA shared the previously submitted PFAS Monitoring Position Statement and Response to the PA DEP Proposed General Permit Changes.  MABA has continued communications with the LBFC.  They estimate their analysis will be completed by June 2023.

Call to Action


MABA’s Call to Action regarding Maryland HB 499 and SB 225

MABA informed members of Maryland’s House Bill 499 and Senate Bill 225 – concerning Biosolids. These bills were slated to introduce changes to the Maryland Environment Code Section 9–331.2, by requiring additional testing and reporting for the presence of PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) by biosolids producers. 

MABA was slated to provide testimony to the senate and house committees to explain the potential issues and ramifications of enacting this legislation, however, the legislation was withdrawn prior to its review in the The Maryland Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee, and the Maryland House Environment and Transportation Committee.  Additional information on the bills can be found at their respective tracking pages - HB 499 and SB 225.  The Fiscal & Policy note for each of these bills provides additional and important background information, and those can be viewed here: HB 499 and SB 225.

Washington, D.C. CRROPS Briefing

CRROPS Congressional Briefing - February 9, 2023

On February 9, CRROPS convened congressional briefing into the science and policy priorities associated with the development of federal policies to address PFAS chemicals in the environment.  The briefing was held in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing room in Washington DC. 

Summary of Briefing

The briefing was developed by CRROPS (Coalition of Recyclers of Residual Organics by Providers of Sustainability) as the first formal meeting in the newly convened Congress to provide vital information on the facets of PFAS policymaking.  The effort was designed to ensure that congressional staff tasked with advising Members of Congress have the benefit of knowledge of the water sector’s efforts to ensure that the public and environment is protected, while preserving management practices that leverage the resource value of biosolids.  The briefing reviewed the underlying science of PFAS, the need to recognize that PFAS exposure through water sector activities is minimal, including biosolids, and that any responsibility for PFAS cleanups must reside with manufacturers of PFAS and not passive receivers, like public agencies and related contractors.  The briefing illustrated an openness from congressional staff to consider these issues as legislative proposals are developed this year.

PFAS Briefing Illustrates Importance of Balanced Information

The briefing brought together a number of water sector authorities to present the impacts of PFAS.  It allowed for a review of viable approaches to ensure that any legislative initiatives, and subsequent rulemakings, deliver effective policy responses.  Chief among the matters discussed was the need to avoid imposing compliance burdens on the public and passive receivers.

Panel of Presenters: Dr. Linda S. Lee, Professor of Agronomy, Purdue University, Maile Lono-Batura, Director, WEF Biosolids Program, Holly Kiser, full time farmer in Maryland, Chris Peot of D.C. Water/BLOOM, Chris Moody, Regulatory and Technical Director, American Water Works Association, Dan Hartnett, Chief Advocacy Officer, Association of Metropolitan Agencies, and Jason Dadakis , Executive Director Water Quality and Technical Resources, Orange County (California) Water District. 

For questions, and additional information, contact Mary Firestone at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.


January 2023 - MABA Member Spotlight

featuring WSSC Water

Innovating Biosolids Management at WSSC Water

The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC Water) is a bi-county agency and public corporation in Maryland, established in 1918 to provide water supply and wastewater services for Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties.  WSSC Water is among the largest water and wastewater utilities in the nation, with a network of over 5,865 miles of drinking water pipeline and more than 5,865 miles of sewer pipeline, serving 1.9 million residents.

WSSC Water is nearing completion of an innovative regional biosolids processing facility (Bioenergy Facility)  located at WSSC Water’s Piscataway Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) in Accokeek, MD.  When fully operational in 2024, the largest and most technically advanced facility ever constructed by WSSC Water will receive over 100,000 wet tons (WT)/year of unstabilized biosolids from all six of WSSC Water’s WRRFs. The Bioenergy Facility will generate 2-3 MW of renewable energy and 50,000-60,000 WT/year of exceptional quality, Class A biosolids using thermal hydrolysis and anaerobic digestion (TH/AD).  

Anaerobic digesters


Digester gas will be captured and purified to renewable natural gas (rNG) standards and sold as a source of renewable energy.  A portion of the energy generated will be used to fuel Montgomery County’s compressed natural gas (CNG) bus fleet, thereby producing a locally sourced, renewable fuel.  Likewise, Class A biosolids will be beneficially reused via land application to provide a valuable fertilizer and soil amendment to regional farms.

Closer view gas handling

In anticipation of the upcoming transition, WSSC Water is also investigating and implementing innovative technologies and process control strategies designed to reduce energy consumption and treatment chemical usage while increasing the  energy value of biosolids fed to the Bioenergy Facility.  Initiatives include adding sidestream enhanced biological phosphorus removal (S2EBPR) at the Parkway WRRF to move away from chemical-based phosphorus removal; full-scale pilot testing of ammonia-based aeration control (ABAC) at the Seneca WRRF; and bench-scale evaluation of primary to waste activated sludge ratios required to maximize volatile solids reduction (VSR) potential as well as the impact of high aluminum content on the digestibility of the biosolids.  As these processes are further developed and optimized, WSSC Water is working to implement cost-saving and energy generating strategies across all of WSSC Water’s WRRFs.   

Aerial view - WSSC Water

Regulations & permitting surrounding land application of a Class A biosolids will be less restrictive than currently afforded with Class B. However, a variety of factors with the potential to impact the long-term viability and cost of land application exist. Key factors include: 

  • Biosolids processing will be centralized with limited onsite storage;
  • Regulations on land application restrict options in winter/wet weather;
  • Land application rates will continue to be limited by nutrient content;
  • Other large municipalities in DC Metro area creating similar Class A products could saturate markets; and
  • Emerging contaminants will continue to threaten long-term viability of land application.

In an effort to get ahead of these issues and meet them head-on, a comprehensive long-range biosolids master plan is being developed to ensure that WSSC Water can adjust to changing conditions and markets and continue to manage biosolids in a risk averse, sustainable, and economically viable manner. 

For additional information, contact Malcolm Taylor PhD, P.E. WSSC Water Engineering & Environmental Services
[email protected]


December 2022 - MABA Member Spotlight

featuring Chalfont-New Britain Township Joint Sewage Authority

Chalfont-New Britain Township Joint Sewage Authority team works to achieve dryer success,
new community land application program

The Chalfont-New Britain Township Joint Sewage Authority serves a community of approximately 8,500, with an average daily flow of 4.65 mgd, and in 2019 they found themselves considering the next dryer for their facility. With the new dryer selection, they were faced with the question of whether they should continue with a system and technology they had been familiar with for the previous 18 years or if they should consider moving toward a new technology.  The Fenton dryer they had in the past had reached the end of its lifetime, and they were eyeing the Gryphon dryer as a new option and opportunity.

Centrifuge cake being fed to drier. About 23-24% solids. (courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain


Centrifuge cake being fed to drier. About 23-24% solids. (courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)


Tom Hauser, superintendent of now 25 years with Chalfont-New Britain says the potential positives in the Gryphon dryer were immediately apparent - a lower temperature and the use of air instead of heat transfer effluent, providing a significantly lower possibility of dangers and smells in the operation. The larger question he faced from executive director John Schmidt was the feasibility and functionality of the new Gryphon dryer.

“His question to me was, ‘if we’re going to make this investment - are we going to make this work?,’” said Hauser. 

Dan at the feed end during start-up. (courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

Dan Ranker at the feed end during start-up. (courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

Hauser and his team gave Schmidt an enthusiastic affirmative response, and began to follow through on that pledge as the dryer went online in June 2020.  The team of 9 individuals in plant operations, including 1 lab tech, put on their problem-solving hats in the months to come, and worked with the Gryphon customer service team to troubleshoot different issues and alarms as they presented.  Hauser says the team contacted the manufacturer, who could then go online and check the system to see where and how the process was experiencing an issue.  With each instance of outreach and troubleshooting the internal team has worked to create a checklist to assess any future issues prior to contacting the manufacturer.

“Our team is really driven by a lot of problem solving,” said Hauser, “And with that kind of attitude - it’s hard to make it fail.”

Side view of dryer. (Courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

Side view of dryer. (Courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

Hauser says that for the most part the Gryphon dryer has been reliable and runs well.  Additionally, he says that he and his team continue to experience great customer service and support from Gryphon – no matter the day or time.  

And with higher levels of copper in the influent, due to aggressive groundwater in the region and the previous anaerobic digestion process, the plant had at times created a Class B biosolids product that required regular emptying of the digesters and limited options for disposal.  Now, with no anaerobic digestion, they are producing a dried Class A product, with the use of a circular chart recorder, proving the biosolids are at or above 176 degrees for 72 seconds to destroy pathogens.  

The next step for Hauser and his team was to create a beneficial reuse program.  And through their work, and work with Diane Garvey of Garvey Resources, they have built a robust community reuse initiative.  Hauser says that he and his operator Dan took several days to do some community outreach, taking with them some of the biosolids as well as their informational sheets.  The community was incredibly interested in the product, and Hauser and his team worked to facilitate a symbiotic relationship for all involved. 

The first material coming off drier during start-up. (Courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

The first material coming off drier during start-up. (Courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

Hauser says they give away the biosolids as a free product, dubbed See-N-Be Green, and rent a dump truck to take it to nearby farms – about one month's production. This provides the plant with enough storage space to work for another month.  They have also purchased a broadcast spreader that farmers can use free of charge to spread the product on their fields, and they drop it off 2-3 days ahead of the biosolids delivery day.  Hauser says the farmers are mostly friends or fellow church goers and they then pass the spreader between them. 

“Most of our ‘customers’ use it to fertilize their hay fields,” says Hauser, “We call them customers. We treat them like customers.”

See-N-Be Green Storage. (Courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

See-N-Be Green Storage. (Courtesy of Chalfont-New Britain)

Hauser says that through the reuse program the plant’s annual sludge disposal cost is around $1,000 per month of biosolids, which is primarily the rental of the dump truck for the day.  Sometimes winter creates a backup based on the ground conditions. In those winter months, the plant sends the biosolids to a composting facility which comes at a greater cost, but Hauser says they generally only need one shipment to the composting facility each winter.  The plant has a covered building and silo for use for storage, and they are working to create an automatic switch for overflow.  

With over 35 years of experience in operating treatment plants, Hauser says that he and his team are proud to see the improvement from twenty years ago when the biosolids disposal cost was $250,000 annually for liquid hauling and landfilling, to the current practice and technologies yielding a Class A product and a relationship with the community that results in zero disposal costs replaced with a marketing cost of around 5% of that.

For additional information, contact Thomas Hauser, Superintendent, Chalfont-New Britain Township Joint Sewage Authority at 215-345-1225, or [email protected]

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